Meridith Walch

Meridith Walch

Friday, May 13, 2011

Blog #3

Blog #3: With the reading you've done so far, about differentiation, can you see any differentiation I have organized for you in this course? Look at the assignments (listed on page 3 of the full syllabus and outlined on pages 7 - 11). Which one appears to you (not your friends, or study buddies, but to YOU) as if it may be the product and process differentiated for student interest? Briefly explain why you think so, and connect it to something you read in Ch. 1 of Fulfilling the Promise.

I feel like I personally have already been a part of  a differentiated classroom while learning about it. There are  variety of ways the material has already been presented in class. We have watched movies and seen examples, cried after watching the Oprah special (or maybe that was just me...), read about it in the text, and had a presenter come in and talk about what makes an excellent morning meeting. These strategies have all enabled various types of learners receive their information in a way they can retain it and appreciate it best. I have really enjoyed these different ways because I never know what we're going to do next. It's always a surprise and I love it! The class discussions and participation also enable us to share ideas and reinforce the material covered in class.

In the syllabus there are also several ways differentiation is being used to enhance the assignments we turn in. There are both individual and group assignments and we are able to blog about the many things we've been learning. The variety here also helps those who work better in groups, individually, or love blogging and technology in general, to feel like their style of learning is being used and validated throughout the semester. I especially appreciate the group work because I personally work well with groups and often times learn more than if I were doing an assignment independently (can I just throw in here that I am so grateful for collaboration!). This also provides an opportunity to enhance team building skills and create a better sense of community.  The key assignment also allows for differentiation. There are four different options that will attract different interests and appeal to different student profiles. This is my favorite part because I feel like I have a choice but you as our teacher can see throughout the different assignments what we have been learning no matter the option we choose. We both come out benefiting from it. 

1 comment:

  1. You get the bottom line... I can tell, from your last lines: "... our teacher can see throughout the different assignments what we have been learning no matter the option we choose. We both come out benefitting from it." You're understanding more and more about differentiation... I recognize this because of how you "self-regulated" when you shared with your discussion group today how you learned that what you THOUGHT was differentiation wasn't. You were so close, and then you "got there" during that discussion. I'm impressed! 4 points
