Meridith Walch

Meridith Walch

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Who Am I?

1. What grade (and in which school) will you be teaching?

I will be teaching third grade at Westfield Elementary in Alpine. I am so stoked!

2. What is your favorite children's book?

This is a tough one! I love children's books and my favorite author is Mo Willems. His books are hilarious but also have great morals. My favorite book growing up was The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles by Julie Andrews. I have wonderful memories of my grandmother reading it to me when my family would go visit.

3. If you watch TV, what shows do you most enjoy?

When I get the chance I love to watch Glee, Criminal Minds, Bones, and Modern Family. 

4. What movie affected you enough that you'd be willing to see it again?

Ashamedly, I love the movie, "Ace Ventura." I've seen it a billion times but it always reminds me of my sisters and we quote it all the time. It always makes us laugh. I think I like it so much because it reminds me of my sisters; my eldest one in particular. 

5. What are you really good at?

I am really good at karaoke. : ) I could do it for hours (literally. I have witnesses).

6. What is a talent you wish you had?

I wish I could use a sewing machine better. I can hand sew but for some reason I panic when it comes to the machine. I never could cut a straight line and my sewing machine skills seem to follow the same pattern. I think this is the root of my problem.

7. Tell me your background in sports and/or athletics.

I grew up playing basketball, volleyball and even did some shotput and discus back in the day. 

8. Tell me your background in visual arts, dance & drama.

I was in a few lead roles in musicals in elementary schools and I love the arts. I grew up very involved in 4-H as well and got to take some art lesson through the program. I absolutely love to dance but have never done it in an organized group. I'm more of the apartment/small-gathering-of-friends/night-on-the-town/ a- lot-o- people-don't-know-I can-groove dancer. 

9. What is your musical background? (Lessons? Singing? Instrument? Read music? Enjoy listening to music? What kinds?)

I love love love music. If I could minor in it now I would. I started out taking private flute lessons in third grade and my passion grew from there. I played the flute all the way through high school and still do. I was Drum Major for the marching band my Senior year (I'm a total geek and I love it!). I was also involved in choir from elementary school through high school and this is my greatest passion of all. I've taken voice lessons through UVU (which I've wanted to do my whole life but couldn't afford it or never had the time). If I could sing any kind of music it would be the bluesy lounge singing kind. I love all kinds of music but I'm partial to hip hop and the oldies. Country music is probably my least favorite but I love Blue Grass. My life is incomplete without some kind of music in it every day. I'd like to think that my life is a musical.

10. What would you be doing this summer, if you were not going to be an intern?

I would still be teaching my cute preschool class in Draper. I would also be getting ready to spend time with my family in California. I don't get to see them very often but they are so excited for this opportunity I've been given. 

11. What would you like me to know about you that I haven't asked?

I love to make rhymes and rap them. I have used them every field experience and incorporated them into the curriculum in varying subjects. I am a major advocate for the arts because I believe it allows any person of any age to express themselves in several different ways. Dark chocolate is the best thing since we discovered the earth was round and my favorite food is mashed potatoes. I think that just about covers it.  : )

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading your descriptions of yourself and the things you love! I share a favorite TV show with you -- Criminal Minds. I just LOVE those characters. I have to tell you, just about everyone mentioned it as one of their favorites! I love your philosophy about the arts... I DID major in music first (played French horn), but bailed the night before I was to begin student-teaching at Orem Junior HIgh! No kidding! 2 months before graduation! So, all of my music credits racked up a music minor for me. I'm married to a professional musician, so I get plenty of music in my life. Thanks for sharing. I really loved reading your responses! 4 points
