Meridith Walch

Meridith Walch

Friday, May 13, 2011

Blog #4

Choice B) Tell me about any part of Principal Sylvia Allan's presentation that "struck a chord" in you, (either positively or negatively), and how you think it will affect you in your teaching.

Honestly, I was gobbling up every word she said and all of it was such wonderful information. My favorite part about it was her personality. That made the biggest impression on me. She was so funny and kind and all of her strategies for management were helping students govern themselves and figure out what they were there to do. I love making people feel comfortable and loved and humor is my biggest and best tool for that. I was so excited when she spoke because I felt like we are very similar and I knew I could have morning meetings the way she described them. It was a huge confidence boost for me and things seemed less overwhelming and scary. Sometimes I forget that school can be a blast and learning doesn't have to be dreary and dreadful. I have recently gotten lost in the bajillion technical things that I have forgotten about the fun parts (which is seriously unlike me so I am so grateful for the slap-in-the-face-reminder this was for me). I am so excited to learn how to find that balance. I want my class to be the one where everybody wants to be in it because it's fair, based on a community effort, and we laugh every day multiple times. 

I was so amazed by the story about Carlos and the end of the year morning meeting. Of course by the end I wanted to know if he got baptized and was married in the temple now : ) but even to know that he had that special experience was enough for me. I served a mission in Dallas and missionary work is very dear to my heart. I just want everyone to feel that same peace in their lives. In a classroom it's the same thing. We don't have to have a morning prayer or share a spiritual thought but it's our attitudes and examples that promote that "spiritual" environment; a place where learning is at its optimum level because everyone is doing their part to lift each other up. People recognize that. Some may not be able to put their finger on it but I know. To me it's providing a safe place for my student in every way and though my religious views won't be shared I feel like my understanding of the importance of community based on those views will be such a great addition to my classroom. I feel like I just had a mini epiphany and I am seeing connections I've never seen before. I am exactly where I need to be right now and doing what I need to be doing. 

1 comment:

  1. This was a powerful posting, Meridith. Wow! As I get to know you and listen to you more... and watch you interacting with your colleagues, I have to agree that you have a "sylvia-type" of personality, and this WILL work well for you. You know the deeper meanings behind this community. (I am quite partial to sister missionaries, too... I'm just sayin'). 4 points
